lunes, 16 de diciembre de 2013


It is my last post, it is about the educative aspects of literature; we can use it to work on culture and values. But, first we have to know about literature, children´s literature and its main characteristics which are very important to keep children feel motivated, help them to understand the tales and achieve a meaningful learning.

The literature is the art (works made up by the humans with an aesthetic or communicative aim; it is used to express ideas and feelings) that use the word as an instrument in its oral and written form. There are three types: poetry, drama and fiction and nonfiction narrative.

Children´s literature is the literature focused in children. Therefore, there are few characters and they used to be animals or children in order to motivate them because they feel indentified, it has a lineal storyline, many images and pictures and it has always the same structure. All these things help the children to follow the story.

During ages, literature has been use to manifest a situation. In some cases, as happened with nursery rhythms, stories have been focused into adult population but these stories have been developed and adapted to infant population. Because of that we can learn about culture such as values, appearance (dress up), costumes, places and sometimes real events that happen in a determinate context. But we can also use literature to work in values such as respect, share, cooperation, friendship, freedom or help the others through the morals that tales have.

After reading a book you should make them reflect about it because we can read to enjoy but also to learn. You can guide it asking them about the context; the main characters, the secondary characters and their physical aspects; the event that is been developed, the objects that appear and the moral. 

An example:

We can use the tale “The three little pigs” in order to work on the effort.

First: the read the tale

Second: we can make the following questions:

·      Who are the characters? The three pigs and a wolf

·       What are the elements that appear in the story? There are three houses. The first one is made up of straw, the second one is made up of wood and the third one is made up of brick.

·         What happens in the story? In the story the pig that built the straw house finish very quickly and it have a lot of time to play, the one that built the wood house has a lot of time too, and the one that built the brick house spent a lot of time building it. But the wolf arrived; the three little pigs were not eaten by the wolf thanks to the last pig and its effort.

·         What is the moral of this tale?  The moral of this tale is that we have to make an effort in order to achieve our goals.

My proposal is to start the lessons with your students with a little tale and a reflection as warming-up to work feelings and values but you can also use them to introduce a topic or to work on a specific context. As we have seen in class, stories have been changing because of the mentality of the people, the place and context of each time. So, we must take this into account when we read a story to children.

lunes, 9 de diciembre de 2013

LIBRARY PROYECT: "Cinema library"

Our proposal of a library project is called “cinema library” because the library will be contextualize as a cinema. We have decided to do that because children usually watch movies in the cinema and for them it is a very enjoyable experience. Therefore, we are trying to get reading close to them through things of their daily life. We want them to understand that when they read, they are creating a movie in their minds as when they go to the cinema.

The library is going to be placed in a corner of the classroom in order to create a comfortable place where children can read, choose books and do activities.

To develop our project we are going to need: the materials, a cheaper budget, how we are going to use the library, the assessment and the motivation.


-   Books: each child has to bring between 3 and 5 English book, so if there are around 25 students we will have 60 books for free = 

- Bookshelf: we need two bookshelves 105 x 80 x 16 cm.->2 Bookshelves  29’95 € x 2 =59’90 €

-    Curtains: the teacher will bring them= 

-    Pop-corn cup: the teacher will bring it= 

-    Soft carpet: 80 x 80 cm.= 5.99 €

-    Pillows : 50 x 50 cm ->2’99€ x 4 = 11’96

-    Cardboard and continuous paper = around 3  €
 total                                             80€


First, children have to write the name of each book they have brought in a different paper, wrinkle them creating a pop and throw their pops in the pop-corn.Then, they have to stick in the cover´s back a sheet as the one is presented below and organize the books in alphabetical order in the bookshelf.


The first time they have to choose a book, they have to pick up a pop of the pop-corn. But, the following times they can read the post-it of the chart we have also created and chose the book they want.

During the term they are going to develop 3 activities:

1.       DRAWING

Children have to draw a picture of the best part of the book they have read. Then, these pictures will be stuck in the walls around the library cinema.

The main aim of this activity is:
·         To know if they have understood the main idea of the book.


Each child has to create an alternative ending of the book that he /she has liked the most.

The aims of this activity are:
·         To check if they have understood the story because the need to know about the characters and the actions that happen during the story to create an ending for it.
·         To motivate children´s creativity.


The winner ending will be represented the 23th of April because is the Books Day.

The main aim of this activity is:
·         To tell a story using kinaesthetic because they have to use body language and move around the space.


To assess children we are going to create a chart with two columns in the vertical one will be the children´s names and in the horizontal one will be the books that they have read. 

In each space children have to stick a post-it which contains the title of the book, the genre, the characters and a summary. In this way, we will know if they are able to take out the main information and if they have understood the book. To create this post-it, we will give them scaffolding and an example as modelling.   
Scaffolding sheet


We are going to give them rewards in order to motivate students to read, use their creativity and be organized.

We will give two Oscars.

·    Best book ever: it is going to be given to the book that children have liked the most and we will know it because of the happy faces that children have to paint.

·     Best end of a story: it is going to be given to the best alternative ending.

Both of them will be located in the bookshelf, they are going to be group prizes.

We will also give two medals:

·    The book “hunter”: it is going to be given to the child that more has read books.

·    The most organize student: it is going to be given to the student that has maintain the bookshel clean and organized the books in alphabetical order.

The cinema library should have this appearance:

martes, 3 de diciembre de 2013


Poems can be used in order to learn contents in a meaningful way; involving children in the process and making them to fell motivate using riddles and letters. First of all, I am going to explain you what is a riddle and a letter poem and how can we mixture both of them to teach a specific content. Then I am going to reflect on how can we use it in a classroom and the things that are behind it.

A riddle poem is a type of poetry that describes something without actually naming what it is, involving the readers through leaving them to guess. Riddles can be about anything. There are no rules on how to structure a riddle poem, a riddle can be funny or it can rhyme, it depends on the person writing the riddle.

A letter poem is a type of poetry that tells something to someone or something. Probably the main qualities of letter poems come from who the letter is addressed to and who signs it. Therefore, it follows the structure of a letter so it should start with “Dear_____”, the body should have what the writer wants to tell and finally, it should finished with the sign of the person that write it.

Let´s enjoy with poetry!

I have create the following poem in order to work the water, the water cycle, its states and where can we find it in a science lesson in a different and motivating way, I hope you like it! =)


Dear friend,

I need your help,

I cannot remember what I am.

I am in the surface, sleeping somewhere…

When it is hot, I am in oceans, rivers and lakes.

When it is cold, I am in the glaciers and high mountains and plains.

What is happening? I am in the air; I am going up to condense myself!

I am in the sky, waiting for the time…

When it is hot, I fall down as drops,

When it is cold, I fall down as scoops and rocks/stones.

This is my life, dear friend

I need your help,

I cannot remember what I am.

We can use this riddle/letter poem as a warming – up, to introduce the topic of the water and the water cycle and also as an activity to make the children create their own knowledge giving them this poem as a resource to take out the content. On the other hand, it is a strongly cross curricular activity because we are explaining science contents through a poem and it will keep the children´s attention because of the rhythms and the rhymes and also they will fell something special because it is a letter and they have seen a lot of them in their houses but they were directed to their parents and now they are going to receive one; they will recognize in a poem something of their reality with simple words and they will feel motivating; it is not a simple text.

Moreover, through this poem we are working on the 4Cs. First there is Content because from this poem we discover where we can find the water in its different states (liquid, gaseous and solid); we can work in metaphors such as drops and rocks and relate these ones to the rain, snow and hailstones; we can work the melting, evaporation, condensation. It is also Culture because we are learning about something that happens in our daily life and we can observe and experiment it, so when we read this poem we can recognize what is happening and the comparisons. Whereas, there is Cognition because children have to read and reflect in order to take out the main characteristics, recognize the metaphors link it with the real elements and finally guess what is writing the letter. Finally, it promotes Communication because this poem is telling you something and it is also asking about what it is; therefore you have to answer creating a communication.

We can use small poems to work big topics.